

To ' Achieve Excellence' we aim for 100% attendance each week. 

Punctuality is important too.  Remember that 'Every Minute Counts!'


Our Golden Rules for Attendance, Punctuality and Absence

School starts at 8.50am.  Class doors are closed at 9.00am.  If your child arrives after 9.00am, this is classed as being late so you will need to come into school via the School Office and inform us why your child is late, and then take your child to their classroom through the playground.

  Doctor/dentist/optician appointments should be made after school hours or during school holidays, so not to disrupt your child’s learning that day, and also their class.  If your child has to attend a medical appointment during the school day, you must provide medical evidence of that appointment, such as a letter or prescription.

If your child is not coming to school due to illness or any other reason, a phone call to school MUST be made between 8.00am and 9.00am.  This comes under our Safeguarding guidelines, so we need to be aware of any absences immediately. A phone call must be made EVERY DAY your child is absent from school.

Children that arrive to school late, will be expected to catch up the time they have lost, which is held during the school day.

A child turning up at school late disrupts the whole class and means that your child has missed vital information that is applicable to that school day.

One week of absence equates to your child losing out on at least 25 lessons.  Imagine how challenging it can then be for your child to catch up on the work that was missed, whilst carrying on with their current work in class.

Did you Know?

Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, makes it a criminal offence for a parent or carer to fail to ensure of their child’s regular attendance at school.


When a pupil arrives late to school, they miss out on essential instructions given at the beginning of the lesson/school day. This reduces their chances of academic success.  Poor punctuality can also cause social disruption as children may feel uncomfortable and embarrassed arriving to the classroom when everyone else already settled.  In fact, when one pupil arrives late it disrupts the teacher and the rest of the class, compromising everyone’s learning.

Holiday Requests 

Please do NOT book holidays during term-time.  They WILL NOT be authorised and will reduce your child’s attendance, as well as their class attendance. Any holidays over 5 days MAY be liable for a fine from Education Welfare.

Parents who have to travel abroad to visit other family members must book their flights with as little disruption as possible to their child’s education, i.e. during school holidays



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